Wednesday, April 18, 2012

RFCA Proposes Minor By-Law Changes

The changes address substituting the required annual audit for our account with a more affordable and reasonable review. This is generally what is done by other regional community associations and is adequate for the size of our operating budget and needs.

You can review the proposed changes by clicking here.


  1. I apologize that this comment is not quite on the topic on the post, but I wasn't sure who to contact about a concern I have. There is an old couch in the alley between Murdock and Regester. It is in the section behind the homes located from 220 to 212 Murdock. It has been there for about a week and I'm concerned that creatures may use it as a home and set up residence in the alley. How do I get it removed from the alley as quickly as possible? Thank you for any assistance.

  2. Contact Code Enforcement on line w/ your complaint at

    You can remain anonymous. The sofa is considered excess garbage and the offending resident will be notified of the offense once the complaint is processed.


All comments are welcome! Please keep it clean and on topic. Posts with offensive language and personal attacks will be removed.