Monday, June 13, 2011

RFC Nomination Process Instructions

If you know of a dues paying resident of the Forge over the age of 21 that would be interested in serving on the RFC, please follow this procedure to insure they are properly nominated:

- All applications MUST be RECEIVED by 11:59 pm of July 14th. Any applications received after the time and date indicated above will not be accepted.
- In order to avoid postal issues, please feel free to drop off your completed application materials to 201 Dumbarton Rd. There will be a clearly labeled drop box dedicated for application submission which will remain on the porch until the time and date listed above.


  1. Where do we find the application? What are we supposed to turn in?

  2. See my earlier post on the nomination process for greater detail:


All comments are welcome! Please keep it clean and on topic. Posts with offensive language and personal attacks will be removed.