Wednesday, October 10, 2012

RFCOP Crime Update Week of October 1st - 7th

Halloween is coming and also the Pumpkin Patrol:
The Citizens on Patrol wishes you all a safe weekend.  We will be patrolling the Forge in hopes of discouraging mischief night and Halloween night vandalism.  Please if you see anything suspicious do not hesitate to call the police.  Baltimore County Police and all of Towson communities are banding together to coordinate patrols for all communities.  RFCOP is also implementing a schedule of patrols for the weekend by Rodgers Forge COP members. 
Ghosts, Goblins and Trick-or-Treat are just around the corner:
Rodgers Forge has had several patrols on Mischief Night for the last couple years. Anyone can participate.  We can provide vehicle lights for car patrollers or vests for folks that would rather walk or ride bikes. It's a fun night and seems to decrease the number of incidents in The Forge. We would be more than willing to pair anyone up with an experienced patroller.
If interested please contact:
Mike Calwell –
John Falconer –
Karen Falconer –
Towson Area Citizens On Patrol
Mark your Calendars now!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Baltimore County Police Hillendale Resource Center,
1055 Taylor Avenue
EVERYONE is invited! ◄
Light food @ 6:00; PLEASE arrive by 6:30PM for photos. 
COP Neighborhood Patrols begin @ 7:00PM.
The Hillendale Resource Center is open ‘til midnight to
Network with fellow patrollers & exchange equipment.
PLEASE use COP signs and lights on your cars!
Questions?Janice Arcieri, Event Co-Chair
Barbara Lewis, Event Co-Chair

Mischief Night Prevention Patrol with Councilman Kevin Kamenetz and candidates

Halloween Safety Tips - From PCPD
Don't Be Afraid Of Halloween. Just Be Aware.
You don't need to be scared of the ghosts and goblins that come to your house this Halloween, just cautious. The Baltimore County Police Department suggests a few precautions this year before you open your door.
It may seem easier to leave your front door open with only the storm door closed, but please don't. Storm doors were not meant to act as deterrents to thieves and robbers. Keep your main door locked and don't open it until you've looked through a window or the door's peephole. Open your door to only those children and adults you know and recognize.
The Department advises trick-or-treaters to be aware of their surroundings as well. Visit only those neighbors who are familiar to you. Remind children not to eat goodies before they get home. When they do arrive home, parents need to check the contents of their children's bags. Look for such things as unwrapped candy, loose pieces of candy, and fruit. When checking candy wrappers, look for unusual markings or bumps and bulges. These could be signs of tampering. Throw away all unwrapped goodies. If something appears suspicious, err on the side of caution and get rid of it.
Some other suggestions
* Adults should accompany young children, and older kids should travel in groups.
* Obey all traffic laws. Walk on sidewalks whenever possible and cross at crosswalks or corners. Never cross between parked cars.
* Do not go into any vehicles or homes while trick-or-treating. Wait outside for treats.
 * Respect other people's property. Don't destroy it.
 * Stay in your own neighborhood.
 * Parents, make sure masks have large holes for the eyes. It is easy for little ones to trip and fall on a dark night. If possible, use make-up instead of a mask. Give children flashlights to carry with them. Flashlights or battery-powered Halloween torches or lamps enable them to see better. It also makes it easier for others, especially motorists, to see them.
Baltimore County Police hope everyone will have a safe and fun Halloween.
Take Away The Fun Of "Moving Night"
Baltimore's tradition of "Moving Night," October 30, is not something that everyone cherishes. For those not familiar with the term "Moving Night," it began years ago as a series of pranks, but it is now just another reason for thieves to steal outdoor furniture and anything else that isn't nailed down. Don't become a statistic, play it safe and follow a few easy steps.
* Leave all outside lights on overnight. Check and replace all burned out bulbs. Remember that the sun sets earlier now.* Trim back all shrubs and trees for maximum visibility for inside and outside viewing.
* Place all outdoor furniture, barbecue grills and other outdoor items in a locked garage, shed or basement. If these are not viable options, use a chain and lock and attach it to a fence, pole or railing.
* Network with neighbors. Keep an eye on each other's property. It is easier to keep track on neighborhood activities if there are more eyes keeping watch.
* Contact the local Citizens on Patrol group. Ask if there are some special plans for this evening. You might be able to assist the group by watching for any strange activity that might occur on your street.
* Let the local precinct know of any suspicious or criminal activities from years past that might affect your street this year.
* Call 911 if you see anything suspicious or anyone acting suspicious. When you talk to the dispatcher, explain why you think the activity looks strange. Remember that a group of teenagers is not always looking for trouble.
* Lock all vehicles and remove all valuables.

B.C.P.D. Precinct # 6 - Crime Blotter – Oct, 1-7, 2012
This is a summary of recent significant police news in your community. For police news from across the entire county, visit our news archive

October 6: Attempted First Degree Burglary, Unit block of Dowling Circle, 21234

At 12:45 p.m., an unknown suspect used a rock to break an apartment window. A neighbor heard the noise and went to investigate. A screen was removed and the window was unlocked. It is unknown if entry was gained.

October 5 to October 6: First Degree Burglary, 400 block of Campus View Drive, 21204

Between 10:30 p.m. on October 5 and 2:30 p.m. on October 6, an unknown suspect cut the window screen to enter the apartment. Nothing has been reported missing at this time.

October 4: Armed Robbery - Knife, 6600 block of Collinsdale Road, 21234

At 8 a.m., two suspects approached the victim from behind and one suspect placed a knife to the victim's throat. The victim gave the suspects his phone and money, then slapped the arm of the suspect holding the knife. The suspect slashed at the victim, causing a cut to the victim's arm. The suspects, two black males in their late teens or early 20s, fled on foot.

September 30 to October 1: First Degree Burglary, 500 block of Castle Drive, 21212

Between 7 p.m. on September 30 and noon on October 1, an unknown suspect entered the apartment window and stole a carpet steamer and a vacuum cleaner
Email Alerts  - Spot
2.00 Miles around 222 Dumbarton Road –
Week of Oct. 1-7, 2012
Case #                Crime                                          Date     Time                Address
122750366      Arson – Fire/Burglary                        10/1    8:17 am           70xx Bellona Avenue
122750457      Theft – Other                         10/1    9:22 am           4xx Overbrook Road
122792020      Theft – Other                         10/5    10:49 pm         72xx York Road

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