Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Support Scenario G

Support Scenario G--the only option available to keep Rodgers Forge intact--on February 9 at the Baltimore County Public School offices located at Greenwood campus on Charles Street.

At this meeting Barbara Walker will be presenting an option based on the work of the Boundary Committee. (Ms. Walker does not have to recommend Scenario G, despite the fact that the Boundary Committee voted in favor of that scenario.)

Come show your support and watch the process on February 9th!

There are limited spots available for the public to voice an opinion to the school board, but the meeing is open to the public.

For more information, click the calendar information on the right side bar.


  1. Interesting that RFCA has now removed the previous post on the re-districting process controversy and its disparaging remarks about Cathi Forbes. I guess they realized the flaws in their "truths" arguments and are back to just hoping that the sheer turnout of RF residents can lead to the Board of Ed losing focus of the facts & #s and succumbing to peer pressure. This is perhaps RFCA's smartest move yet throughout this whole process.

  2. So let me get this straight... there is a mysterious phantom Poster that is part of the RFCA. This person accidently??? posted an internal document making disparaging comments about Cathi Forbes?

  3. Oh, to be anonymous.... We must enjoy writing anything we wish without repercussions.

    At least, RF is taking an open stand on this issue. Good for them.


  4. Could it possible that the Rodgers Forge association did actually have some internal miscommunication and posted something that was actually just supposed to be something for board eyes only?

  5. Yes, that could be possible. But it is hard to believe after previous mis-steps like being accidentally quoted as saying Rodgers Forge is being treated like a "bastard stepchild". I think it's more likely that they quickly realized that their stronger argument to get G approved is to attempt to keep focus on historical districts rather than the other facts & controversy involved with this process.

  6. UPDATE!!

    Assistant Superintendent Barbara Walker says to Forge Flyer:

    "I have made my recommendation to the Superintendent. The recommendation is first presented at the Board meeting on February 9 and then released the next day to involved schools and interested parties who make a request. Therefore, I cannot release the information until after the first Board meeting."

    There will be a public meeting with the Board of Education on Feb. 24 where the public can speak about the recommendation. Then the board will vote on the recommendation on March 9.

    NOTE: The Feb.9 7:00pm meeting is open to the public.

  7. Two years ago this month, Towson Families United was formed. If it’s hard to remember what was happening back in January of 2008, that might be because nothing was happening — at least when it came to the Towson area’s elementary school overcrowding.

    Despite dramatic evidence that our schools would soon be unable to handle the number of incoming students, the county executive and the schools superintendent were engaged in a high-stakes game of finger-pointing. And the only plan the school system had put forth to partially solve the problem was shelved a month before, by the county executive.

    That is when residents from many parts of Towson — Stoneleigh, Rodgers Forge, Riderwood, Hampton and West Towson — came together and got to work. We made phone calls. We wrote letters. We dragged our children to meetings and rallies. We got in the face of anyone who would listen to the facts.

    Now, two years later, the results are becoming visible.

    The new West Towson Elementary School will open this fall on Charles Street, and will accommodate 451 children. It promises to be a showcase for the county — a state-of-the-art school filled with the latest learning equipment, led by a passionate, experienced principal who is hand-picking her entire teaching staff from across the county.

    But West Towson Elementary is only part of the solution to Towson’s overcrowding problem.

    In the past few months, the school board has also approved $1.1 million for the design phase of an addition and renovation at Hampton Elementary — including funding approved this month to make it a LEED-certified, green project. It expected to be ready in the fall of 2012.

    Another addition, at Stoneleigh Elementary, is in the planning stages. It should also be ready by 2012.

    These three actions should take care of the Towson area’s elementary overcrowding. But it’s good to see that the school system is not stopping there.

    BCPS recently announced that it would request $50.75 million over the next five years for new school construction and additions along the York Road corridor. This money could possibly address overcrowding at Lutherville, Timonium, Pot Spring and Sparks Elementary. The first portion of that request, in the FY 2011 budget, is expected to be ratified by the school board at its February 9 meeting.

    What’s more, since we began our efforts, there’s been a change of leadership in the “Central Area” of the school system. A new area superintendent has taken over and is well aware of the challenges posed by growing enrollments.

    The last two years haven’t been without their challenges. But progress is being made. We thank everyone, in every neighborhood, for getting involved and staying involved. Together, Towson Families United will continue to advocate for all the children of the greater Towson area.

  8. UPDATE>>>>

    DATE: February 9, 2010
    FROM: Dr. Joe A. Hairston, Superintendent
    ORIGINATOR: Barbara Walker, Central Area Assistant Superintendent
    PERSON(S): Michele Prumo, Executive Director, Department of Planning and
    Support Operations
    That the Board of Education review and approve Scenario G with the
    modification as the new boundaries for West Towson, Rodgers
    Forge, and Riderwood Elementary Schools.
    The Board of Education’s public hearing on the proposed boundaries
    is scheduled for February 24, 2010 at Loch Raven High School. The
    final decision of the Board of Education is scheduled to occur on
    March 9, 2010


All comments are welcome! Please keep it clean and on topic. Posts with offensive language and personal attacks will be removed.