Tuesday, December 28, 2010
BCPD - Significant Events Report - Week ending 12/26/2010
Fire Safety
Over the past few weeks, there's been several fires throughout Baltimore City and Baltimore County that have caused the loss of life and a good amount of property damage. The last high profile fire in Rodgers Forge was at the apartments this past May. The Rodgers Forge C.O.P. hopes that you stay safe this winter and are fire awareness prepared. Hopefully, you have smoke detectors in your homes and an escape route planned in case of fire.
With that in mind, one of our patrols has compiled a list of all the fire hydrants that are located in Rodgers Forge. Last year during the heavy snow, members of the Baltimore County Fire Department came around to make sure the hydrants were visibly seen in case of an emergency. If you have a hydrant near you and we receive a heavy amount of snow, if you could, please shovel snow away from the hydrant to keep it clear. Thank you.
Here's the list of hydrants to the closest location of residence:
Regester Av.-33 & 301
Murdock Rd.-80,150 & 401
Dunkirk Rd.-Alley @ Bellona Av., 59 & 301
Hopkins Rd.-40 & 201
Lanark Court-7232
York Rd-7016
Heathfield Rd.-7133
Stevenson Lane-101 & 301
Overbrook Rd.-318
Rodgers Court-7109
Blenheim Rd.-6818
Rodgers Forge Rd.-204 & 238
Dumbarton Rd.-Apt units 121-127,169, Across from 319 @ DMS, & 330
Stanmore Rd.-165, 231 & 309
Also, there's a hydrant located across from 319 Stevenson at Osler Drive.
Click here for the report
Help needed for lost keys:
A Forge neighbor is asking for our help. On Christmas Eve day the resident dropped their keys in the 200 block of Overbrook. They have a Saturn key and remote button on them along with a small blue flashlight-carabineer, a Lynn Bricks gym card, and a silver boat steering wheel key chain from Bald Head Island along with about 7 or 8 "house" keys and a gray key fob for my work. Thanks again, I really appreciate your help on this. Have a great day!
If you have found the keys please reply to this email with information of how we can contact you to return them to their owner. Thanking you in advance for your help.
H A P P Y N E W Y E A R !!!
Friday, December 17, 2010
BCPD - Significant Events Report - Week ending 12/12/2010
Making Merry? Then Don’t Drink and Drive
Baltimore County, Md. (December 15, 2010) - It’s hard to believe, but the holidays are in full swing. For some people, that means party time with lots of food and drink. There are some who prefer alcoholic beverages and to party hard. For those party revelers, there are some sobering numbers to think about before getting behind the wheel of any motorized vehicle. The Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) level was .08 or higher when these drivers and/or passengers were killed. Here are the latest statistics:
* 10,839 people were killed in alcohol-related crashes in the United States in 2009.
* In Maryland, alcohol was to blame for the deaths of 162 people in 2009.
* In Baltimore County, 29 people died due to alcohol-related crashes in 2009.
* In Maryland, alcohol was responsible for the deaths of 27 people driving or riding on motorcycles in 2009. In Baltimore County, 13 motorcyclists or passengers were killed in 2009. In these crashes, the driver of the motorcycle or the driver of the car or truck may have been driving while drunk. Either way, alcohol was the common denominator.
* There were 85 fatalities in Baltimore County in 2009. Eight occurred November through December.
Keep Safe This Holiday
* Designated drivers or taxicabs are a must for anyone who wants to drink without worrying about getting behind the wheel.
* Eat plenty of food while drinking. A stomach full of alcohol can shorten the evening and make for a nasty morning after.
* For those who are hosting holiday parties, ask for the keys of all who come to the party. If someone wants to leave and has had too much to drink, call a cab, or have them stay the night. A good host does this to ensure the safety and well-being of guests and others who could be affected by someone who drinks and drives.
* The promise of a big breakfast in the morning is a good way to make unexpected guests feel glad you made them stay the night.
Chief Jim Johnson and the Baltimore County Police Department wish everyone a safe and happy holiday.
Click Here For The Full Report
Just a reminder for your RFCOP:
You may be seeing a decrease in major crime in our immediate area, but do not stop taking steps to protect yourself and your property. We hope that better awareness in our community has been a factor in decreasing burglaries, etc. But crime prevention is a year round event. Thank you all for your eyes, ears, and reporting anything suspicious!!
Have a SAFE and WONDERFUL Holiday season!!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
The Early-Bird Dues Contest Winner is Announced!
There were 414 entries and the winner was drawn by Steven Yapsuga of Pinehurst Road.
Keep those dues rolling in as there will likely be more chances to win prizes!
Stay tuned for future contests brought to you by the RFC!
Monday, December 13, 2010
TU Athletics Open House
Monday, January 24
5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Balcony of the Towson Center Arena
Don’t miss the chance to mingle with Towson University’s new Director of Athletics, Mike Waddell and additional members of the Tiger athletics staff. Upon conclusion of the open house we welcome you to stay for the VCU vs. Towson men’s basketball game at 7 p.m. in the Towson Center Arena.
Light food and beverages will be available on the balcony.
Parking and admission to the event are free.
Please contact Mary Perry at 410-704-4175 or at mperry@towson.edu by Tuesday, January 18, to let us know that you are planning to attend.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
BCPD - Significant Events Report - Week ending 12/5/2010
Baltimore County, Md. (December 2, 2010) - Baltimore County police are recommending that citizens adopt an early New Year’s resolution – never leave your car alone with the motor running, even if you have a spare key and the other keys are “safely” locked inside.
With cold weather edging in and the threat of weeks of ice and snow, the temptation is to run outside in the morning to warm up the car and then dash back into that warm house while the frost melts. But before you’ve even poured your second cup of coffee, someone can break in and steal your vehicle.
Car thieves wait and watch for people to walk away and then strike. Locking the keys in the car will not dissuade these criminals. They can easily break a window and enter your car in seconds, faster than you can open it with your key. According to police auto theft detectives, studies show that most stolen vehicles are found with the key left in the ignition.
The same caution applies to those quick stops at convenience stores or the ATM. These locations are prime targets for thieves. Consider the minute you might save by leaving your locked car with the motor running versus the hours of stressful delay if you walk out and find your vehicle is stolen. Most thieves look for easy opportunities to commit crime.
Avoid Getting a Ticket - There are other consequences to leaving a car unattended: insurance may not pay for your mistake, car payments which must be made on a vehicle no longer available, and the expense in renting or buying another car. Also, leaving a vehicle alone with the engine running is a traffic violation.
* Police officers can give you a ticket with a $70 fine and one point against your driving record if they see your unattended car.
* Lastly, it poses a safety hazard. If the vehicle slips out of gear and causes an accident, you could be issued a ticket with a $110 fine and three points against your driving record.
Get an early and safe start on the New Year. Anytime you leave your car, take the keys with you!
December 7, 2010
Significant Events Report for the week of November 29 – December 05, 2010
Nothing in the Forge – Below are other precinct area crimes
Section Two: Major Crimes – Burglaries
All Commercial, Schools, Residential related to trends,
Burglaries with high dollar value stolen / weapons stolen
Date Time CC # Offense Location (Business & Victim Name) Synopsis Suspect Information
11/30/10 1314 10-334-0827 Attempted Burglary 6300 block Pinehurst Rd. 21212
The suspect attempted to open the locked door of the victim’s office. The suspect ran when confronted by the victim. M/B, 18-20, 5-9, 120
12/01/10 0200-0400 10-335-1185 Attempted Burglary 8200 block Burnley Rd. 21204
An unknown suspect used a tool to open a window at the above location. The window fell inside the house and made a loud crashing sound. The suspect left the scene before the victim got out of bed to investigate. Unknown
12/01/10 1100-1615 10-335-1588 1st Degree Burglary 1200 block Lake Falls Rd. 21210
The suspect forced open a rear window to gain entry. Several items were taken from the second story window. Unknown
11/30/02-12/02/10 22300-1815 10-336-1577 1st Degree Burglary1900 block Edgewood Rd. 21234 Unknown suspects entered through the rear of the residence. Property was taken. Unknown
12/03/10 0518 10-337-0237 2nd Degree Burglary 900 block Taylor Ave. 21234
Unknown suspects pried open the front door of the location. The suspects removed property from the location. Unknown
11/30/10 0050 10-334-0057 4th Degree Burglary 1800 block Deveron Rd. 21234
The suspect jumped through the front window at the above location. The suspect was cut severely and had to be transported to Sinai Hospital. The suspect will be charged 1 Adult Identified
12/03/10-12/04/10 1800-1000 10-338-0632 Attempted Burglary Unit block Stonewain Ct 21204 Unknown suspect forced the front door of the location open. Nothing was missing. Nothing was damaged except for the door frame Unknown
12/04/10 1430-1600 10-338-1110 1st Degree Burglary Unit block Debonair Ct 21234 When victim arrived home he observed his front door unsecured, but closed. He had left the location earlier when unk friends of his roommate were still in the location. An unknown suspect used an unknown means to force bedroom door open inside. The suspect removed property. Unknown
12/04/10-12/05/10 1930-1200 10-339-0790 1st Degree Burglary Unit block Comet Ct 21234 Unknown suspect entered the location by an unknown means. Once inside the suspect removed property. Unknown
12/03/10-12/05/10 1800-1616 10-339-0915 2nd Degree Burglary 7800 block York Rd 21204 Unknown suspect broke into location then broke glass on an inside door to gain access to another location. Once inside suspect attempted to pry a desk drawer. Nothing was removed. Unknown
Email Alerts
3.00 Miles around 200 Dumbarton Road Baltimore, MD 21212
Week of Nov. 29 – Dec. 7, 10
12/03/10 12:54 PM.
1XX BRANDON RD BALTO CO-Theft-Motor Vehicle
12/03/10 07:39 PM.
1XX DUMBARTON RD BALTO CO-Destruction of Property
12/03/10 02:41 PM.
64XX PINEHURST RD BALTO CO-Theft from Motor Vehicle
12/05/10 02:32 AM.
11/30/10 01:08 PM.
11/30/10 02:34 PM.
12/01/10 04:54 PM.
12/05/10 04:14 PM.
Email Alerts Balto. Sun Crime Alerts
Week of Nov. 29 – Dec. 7, 10
Incident # Date Time Incident Desc. Location
103350546 Dec 1 9:11 am Assist. Request York/Regester
103390959 Dec 5 4:38 pm Disturbance Glen Argyle/Regester
103390936 Dec 5 4:27 pm Auto Acc-Prop Dam Rodgers Forge/Dumbarton
103370717 Dec 3 11:30 am Suspicious Subject Murdock below Bleinheim
103371647 Dec 3 7:39 pm Destruction of Prop Stevenson/Dumbarton
Rodgers Forge C.O.P Prevents Crimes of Opportunity
Our vigilant Rodgers Forge C.O.P. foot patrol reports several recently prevented crimes of opportunity. On 12/3 around 2:40a.m., our patrol discovered a vehicle with Its drivers door ajar. The C.O.P. called police to check the scene. The vehicle, a rental, couldn't be traced to a specific resident. The officer checked the car. Two problems; the door was accidentally left open and a GPS was in the car which could have easily been stolen if an evildoer had noticed the vehicle. The vehicle was secured by the officer.
Earlier in the week, the RF C.O.P. foot patrol found an unopened bank statement envelope in the road on Regester Avenue. The C.O.P was able to contact the non-resident who just asked the C.O.P. to dispose of the of the envelope. The RF C.O.P. also discovered an old, discarded parking citation and a mostly wet but somewhat legible life insurance form on two different roads in the neighborhood. These items contained personal information that if in the wrong hands, could have been used against each individual. Carelessness could have cost individuals their identity and/or loss of property.
The Rodgers Forge C.O.P. always urges residents to protect themselves as best as possible. Leaving homes or other property unsecured could cost one dearly. Please be extra safe and precautionary this time of year and throughout the year.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Towson Winterfest is Underway!
To promote the Christmas shopping season in Towson.
Friday, Nov. 26: Black Friday Promotions in Towson
Thursdays Dec. 2, 9, 16 & 23: HoHo Happy Hours at local bars & restaurants, 5pm
Saturday, Dec. 4: Kris Kringle Parade, Baltimore County Tree Lighting at Olympic Park, Santa’s arrival by Fire Engine, Opening of Santa’s Workshop at the Old Hutzler’s with Beau & Tinsel & Book Signing by Michael J. Lisicky author of “Hutzler’s Where Baltimore Shops” at Barnes & Noble, 5:30pm to 9pm
Friday, Dec. 10: Fire & Ice at Night, Street Performers, Towson Art Galleries on Display, 6pm-9pm & Yuletide at Hampton National Historic Site, 6pm to 8:30pm
Saturday, Dec. 11: Breakfast with the Grinch at Ridgely & Ferrens, 9am & Holiday Movie & Shopping for Kids at Santa’s Workshop, 10am to12pm & Yuletide At Hampton National Historic Site, 1pm to 5pm & 6pm to 8:30pm
Sunday, Dec. 12: Yuletide at Hampton National Historic Site, 1pm to 5pm
Friday, Dec. 17: Street Performers, 6pm to 9pm
Saturday, Dec. 18: Breakfast with Frosty, 9am at Souris’& Holiday Movie & Shopping for Kids at Santa’s Workshop 10am to12pm
Wednesday, Dec. 22: Men’s Shopping Night
BCPD - Significant Events Report - Week ending 11/28/2010
Vehicle Registration Tab Reminder:
Here's a note to anyone who may have vehicle registration tabs on their car that are about to expire. Make sure you place your renewal tags on your vehicle. For the past several months, a unit from the Towson Precinct has patrolled the neighborhood ticketing vehicles with expired tags. This has usually occurred a few nights into the new month. If you haven't changed your registration tags and you're ticketed, your wallet and you will be out $52.00.
A friendly and timely reminder from your Rodgers Forge C.O.P.
Click here for the full report.
Monday, November 22, 2010
From Balt. County: No Trash Collection on Thanksgiving Day
Baltimore County residents whose trash or yard materials would normally have been collected on Thursday, November 25, should set it out on Thursday night for collection on Friday, November 26. Residents whose single stream recycling would normally have been collected on Thursday, November 25, are asked to hold these recyclables until the next scheduled recycling collection day (Thursday, December 2).
Collections of all types may occur later than usual during the week following Thanksgiving. If a collection does not occur on the scheduled day during this period of time, the materials should be left out until collection occurs.
Trash and recycling drop-off centers, including the Eastern Sanitary Landfill, as well as County offices, will be closed on Thursday, November 25. Drop-off centers will be open with normal hours Friday, November 26, and Saturday, November 27.
For more information, residents should visit the Bureau of Solid Waste Management web site at www.bcrecycles.com or call 410-887-2000.
Friday, November 19, 2010
How to handle complaints regarding public nuissance
Click here for a brief guide and complaint form.
To check the status of your anonymous complaint you may call any of the following numbers five (5) working days after Code Enforcement receives this form, 410-887-3351, 410-887-3352, 410-887-8099. Send faxes to Code Enforcement Department at 410-887-2824. Send letters to:
Department of Permits & Development Management
111 W. Chesapeake Avenue, Room 213
Towson, MD 21204
Click here to file an online complaint and find more info.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
BCPD - Significant Events Report - Week ending 11/14/2010
We will begin our shopping and focusing on upcoming visits and celebrations. PLEASE do not forget to continue securing your home, automobile and personal property. Do not leave items in your cars as with the holidays coming an increase in crime – burglaries, auto break-ins, and personal theft of purses/wallets etc. while shopping. RF citizens on patrol have found a number of unsecured open garage doors. This is free holiday shopping just inviting thieves to help themselves. We all wish you Happy and Safe Holidays – From your Citizens on Patrol.
Click here for the full report
December Events at Goucher College
Saturday, December 4, and Sunday, December 5
Babes in Toyland
Kraushaar Auditorium, 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. on December 4; 2 p.m. on December 5
$20 for adults, $15 for groups of 20 or more, $12 for children 12 and under.
Call 410-337-8519 for tickets.
Monday, December 6
Service of Lessons and Carols
Haebler Memorial Chapel, 5 p.m.
African Drum and Dance Ensemble Concert
Hyman Forum, Athenaeum, 8 p.m.
Thursday, December 9
Goucher Jazz Ensemble Concert
Merrick Lecture Hall, 8 p.m.
Saturday, December 11, and Sunday, December 12
The Nutcracker
Kraushaar Auditorium, 6:30 p.m. on December 11; 3 p.m. on December 12.
Advance tickets are $30 for adults and $15 for children 12 and under.
For more information or tickets, call 410-667-7974 or visit www.baltimoreballet.org.
Friday, December 17
Sing-Along Messiah
Kraushaar Auditorium, 7:30 p.m.
Tickets are $25 – for more information or tickets, call 410-523-7070 or visit www.baltimorechoralarts.org.
Saturday, December 18
Christmas for Kids
Kraushaar Auditorium, 11 a.m. Tickets are $13.
For more information or tickets, call 410-523-7070 or www.baltimorechoralarts.org.
Saturday, December 18
Helicon’s Winter Solstice Concert
Kraushaar Auditorium, 3:30 p.m. and 8 p.m.
Tickets are $25 in advance, $28 at the door, $22 for groups of 15 or more, $20 for groups of 30 or more. For more information or tickets, call 410-243-7254 or visit www.kenkolodner.com.
We hope to see you at some of these events. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 410-337-6040, or wendy.litzke@goucher.edu.
Wendy Belzer Litzke
Vice President for Government & Community Relations
Monday, November 15, 2010
Historic Towson Annual Meeting TONIGHT
Parking is available in the G lot. We will gather at the main entrance of the Central Building.
The Sheppard and Enoch Pratt Hospital, known locally as Sheppard Pratt was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1971.
The original buildings were designed by famous architect Calvert Vaux in 1862.
The program following the museum visit will include a discussion of the future of preservation in Towson and Historic Towson.
The public is invited to attend but as space is limited, please reserve. To reserve email to carolall@verizon.net or call 410 823-8541 and leave a message.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Directories Are Out!
Please be sure to take the time and send in your annual dues. There is a handy addressed return mailer, invoice as well as a contest form to fill out! For those that send in their dues early this year, we have offered an incentive...fill out the contest form and send it in with your dues to be entered in a chance to win a Pandigital 7" touchscreen color multimedia wifi eReader!
Payment of your dues allows the board to provide many services and activities to the neighborhood and the more that participate the more we can do for you!
Also, as an added bonus, dues payment rewards you with a card that can provide a discount at many local businesses!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
BCPD - Significant Events Report - Week ending 11/7/2010 & RFCOP ALERT
Just a reminder the holiday season is fast approaching and with it comes a rise in crime. PLEASE make sure your secure all property, doors, windows during this time. DO NOT leave visible items in your automobiles. This is equivalent to leaving a “Break In” sign on your property. We can only deter so much, most crimes are stopped before they are started by each and everyone taking that extra minute to turn “Lights On – Lock Up – Look out”. Let’s make if as difficult as we can for the criminals that the Forge can report a safe Holiday Season!! Your eyes and ears are the best protection our community has – PLEASE do not hesitate to call 911 for suspicious activity!!!
Click here for the full report.
Citizens on Patrol alert:
A Rodgers Forge C.O.P. spotted a Black Kia on his patrol around 2:55am on Sunday 11/7, standing in the alley behind a home on Regester Avenue. The car was idling and was occupied by a white male resembling Eminem. The C.O.P. foot patrol went behind the car and down to the apartments to call 911. As the C.O.P. was on the phone, he noticed the vehicle had left the scene and was driving down the alley parallel to the Rodgers Forge Apartments. The C.O.P. reports in a matter of seconds from hanging up the phone, 4 marked units stormed up the alley looking for the car. The RF C.O.P. found out later in the evening that the car was chased by a few units but eventually was lost in the pursuit. This information is known: Black Kia MD Tags 6DE D37, driven by a white male who resides in Reisterstown. The RF C.O.P. reports that there were several units that returned to Rodgers Forge. They patrolled the neighborhood for close to an hour. The RF C.O.P was concerned with the house where the Black Kia was discovered. The RF C.O.P. noticed in his patrol that the homeowner's car was not present and mail was at the mailbox. He returned a call to 911 to have an officer check out the location. Everything was in order. The RF C.O.P. thanks the officers from Towson Precinct for their prompt response.
Community Assistance Network (C.A.N.) Food Drive Healthy Food Urgently Needed Please Donate as Generously as Possible This Year
Baltimore County, Md. (November 8, 2010) - The Baltimore County Police Department asks every resident to participate in this year’s Community Assistance Network (C.A.N.) Food Drive. Donation boxes are conveniently located in the public areas of police precincts, fire stations, County office buildings, and in most high schools and middle schools. This provides easily accessible and secure collection sites for donations that will go directly to those who are struggling. The items that are most urgently needed are nutritious canned foods such as soups, tuna, salmon, chili, chicken and ham; peanut butter, canned fruits and vegetables; hot and cold cereals; pasta and rice. If possible, buy packages that have flip-tops or do not require a can opener. There are families who must face hunger every day. Unfortunately, in this trying economic climate, people may be unexpectedly suffering the pain of an empty stomach for the first time.
You Can Make a Difference
The Maryland Food Bank reports that there is an increase in demand for food between 30-50 percent, from families who were considered middle class before the economic recession took hold. The fastest growing segment of those in need work full-time jobs. Last year, the citizens of Baltimore County through the C.A.N. Food Drive delivered an average 30-35 pounds in donated groceries per household to 2,500 families. Let’s all get involved and raise those totals!
This drive ends December 18. But don't wait until the last minute. When shopping, buy one item for your family and one item for a needy family. This simple act of kindness could literally save a life. Please donate today.
If you know of anyone who would like to receive these email weekly alerts please send their name, address and email to Karen Falconer, RFCOP Co-Leader at lovinlife6501@verizon.net.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Blasting Alert: West Village Garage near Emerson Drive and Towsontown Blvd
A siren will sound one minute prior to the blast and an all-clear signal will indicate that blasting has ceased. The site will be secured throughout the blast period.
Although the operation is expected to be completed by next week, blasting will continue until the rock has been cleared. Additional updates will be posted to the TU homepage, www.towson.edu.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
BCPD - Significant Events Report - Week ending 10/31/2010
COP members patrolled 27 hours 45 minutes over the Halloween weekend. We were not able to deter all incidents but able to reduce the impact this holiday has on the Forge. Open garage doors, blocked street and alleys, suspicious activity were just a few of the incidents reported by patrollers to police or appropriate persons. I would like to thank each and everyone for their assistance in helping make this holiday weekend a “minor incident” occurrence. Most of all I would like to thank the community for keeping your eyes and ears open to help make our community the safe place it is. You must admit the children AND adults looked absolutely fabulous in their costumes at both the Tot Lot on Sunday and out trick-or-treating.
Vacation Watch Reminder From Rodgers Forge C.O.P.
If you're travelling this holiday season, the Rodgers Forge C.O.P. would like to remind you about the Vacation Watch Program offered by the BCPD.
Contact Towson Precinct 6 at 410-887-2361 and request to place your address on their Vacation Watch list. Provide them with your name, address, tag number of any vehicle(s) left behind, and a neighbor contact, if applicable, and the length of your vacation. With this information, an officer will make a random vehicle patrol around your home. It's a win win situation. It provides added security to your home while you're away and brings increased patrols into the neighborhood. Also, the RFCOP strongly recommends that you DO NOT post your Travel plans on any social networking site. The RFCOP also recommends that you maintain regular delivery of mail and/or newspapers. Have a reliable neighbor collect those or any deliveries. The RFCOP wishes you a safe holiday season!
Click here for this weeks full report.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Another Candidate Forum
Thursday, October 28th
Ascension Lutheran Church
7601 York Road, Towson, MD 21204
Come and hear the positions of candidates for elected office in your area on your priority issues!
Baltimore County is becoming more diverse every day, and we want to ensure that our elected officials advocate for issues that are important to us, including:
Diverse Communities with inclusive, accessible housing and transportation
Healthy Neighborhoods with Green Spaces
Inclusive Policies in every branch of government and civil rights protections
All candidates for the following offices have been invited
Baltimore County Executive
State Delegates and Senators for Districts 8 and 42
Baltimore County Council members for districts 3,5,6
Moderated by Jayne Miller, Lead Investigative Reporter, WBAL-TV
This event is sponsored by BRIDGE and CASA de Maryland. All organizations are non-profit and non partisan.
For more information or to confirm your participation, contact us at bridgemaryland@aol.com
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
46th Annual Towson Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament
1101 Stevenson Ln. Towson, MD 21286
Details: Monday, October 25th
10:00am Shot Gun Start
Continental Breakfast
Beer, Soda, Wine & Snacks Provided
After Golf Cookout (cash bar)
All skill level players are welcome
Scramble Format-Prizes
Click here to register and for more information
Monday, October 18, 2010
BCPD Offers Safety Tips for Halloween
Click here for more info
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Free Community Shred Day
Destinations Credit Union will provide free shredding services to the general public and their members during an event that will highlight the importance of protecting discarded personal information. Incred-A-Shred, the contractor Destinations has hired to provide the service, will have one of their mobile shredding trucks available to shred confidential and personal documents on-site.
When? Saturday, October 30th from 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm
Where? Destinations Credit Union 8767 Satyr Hill Road, Baltimore MD 21234. Members of the public and credit union should bring their confidential materials, which will be destroyed free of charge.
What? For more information on what to keep and what to get rid of, visit our blog.
For more information:
Contact Incred-A-Shred at (888) 467-4744 or Destinations Credit Union (410) 663-2500 ext 124.
About Incred-A-Shred:
Incred-A-Shred is an independently owned and operated on-site document and media destruction company. They are headquartered in Baltimore and have a fleet of mobile shredding units that service the state of Central Pennsylvania, Maryland, Northern Virginia, and Washington, DC. They service commercial, government, and residential customers. For more information call (888) 467-4744 or visit the web at www.Incred-A-Shred.com.
For reports about what happens when discarded information is not properly destroyed, go to www.naidonline.org/news.html.
A Celebration of Literature, Art, and Music
Novelist Bathsheba Monk will read from her fiction. She has been described by Tim O’Brien as “a writer I'll be talking about when I talk about brilliant new writers.” Bathsheba is best known for her collection of stories, Now You See It … Stories from Cokesville, PA. Her novel, Nude Walker, is being published by FSG in Spring 2011.
Persian artist and musician Bahman Panahi will give a performance and talk about his work. Originally from Iran, Bahman has performed many concerts, exhibitions, courses and workshops in Iran, UK, Syria, India, Netherlands, Maldives, Tunisia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Belgium, Morocco and France. He recently performed a tar and setar concert at the Freer Gallery in DC and he will be performing at Harvard University in November.
Joining Bathsheba Monk and Bahman Panahi will be artist Manzar (of the Watermark Gallery), and authors Charles Jensen (most recent Director of The Writers’ Center), Katherine Cottle (author of My Father’s Speech), and Eric D. Goodman (author of Tracks, a novel in stories).
Music will be provided by the Lit & Art house band, Red Tractor Factory. Wine and refreshments will be served during intermissions.
The event takes place from 2 to 5 p.m. on Sunday, October 24 at The Watermark Gallery, located in the Bank of America Center Skywalk Level, right across from the Inner Harbor, at 100 S. Charles Street, Baltimore, Maryland. The phone number is (410) 547-0452.
Started in October 2007, the Lit and Art series provides a unique opportunity to sample a wide variety of artistic sensibilities in one sitting. The events are free and open to the public. An open mic section allows audience members to share their own work.
Come experience what has been called “the best excuse to get lit in Baltimore on a Sunday afternoon.” Learn more about the “Lit and Art” reading series and other literary events at www.Writeful.blogspot.com.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
RFCOP Needs Your Help On Halloween
the RFCOP seeks volunteers to patrol our neighborhood.
Last year, the RFCOP patrolled several hours Halloween weekend
with great success in preventing vandalism. This year, the RFCOP
is again seeking volunteer patrols for each weekend night.
By vehicle, by bike or by foot, the RFCOP would love to have your
assistance in keeping the neighborhood safe and vandalism free.
So, if you'd like to patrol a shift or two this upcoming Halloween
weekend and/or become a frequent Citizen On Patrol, please
contact us at rfcitizensonpatrol@gmail.com.
Also, check out our Facebook page- Rodgers Forge COP.
District 5 Baltimore County Council Candidates Forum
Tuesday, October 19
6 pm
Goucher College, Merrick Lecture Hall
* Mike Ertel
* David Marks
Also don't forget about the House of Delegates Candidates Forum this Wednesday, October 13, and the Senate Debate on Wednesday, October 20 (see earlier posts on the blog for more info on these events).
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
RFC Meeting Wednesday Night
Where: Rodgers Forge Elementary School Cafetorium
When: Wednesday 10/13 @ 7:00pm
Thursday, October 7, 2010
One Love Celebration at NDP 1/1/11
One Love Celebration at NDP
On January 1, 2011
Starting at 7:00 P.M.
Notre Dame Preparatory School
Date: 1/1/11 Time: 7-11 PM
Join us on this very special night as we celebrate and honor the life of Yeardley Reynolds Love. All proceeds will benefit the Yeardley Reynolds Love Turf Athletic Field at Notre Dame Prep. For every dollar raised for the field prior to 12/15/2010, the Charles T. Bauer Foundation will make a matching gift of up to $500,000 to provide additional academic scholarships for worthy students at NDP. Please join us in honoring Yeardley by supporting this worthy cause. This event is limited to 800 people. You MUST be 21 years of age and present a VALID PHOTO ID to enter.
TICKETS: Tickets may be purchased online or by check. Prior to 12/1/10 all Tickets are $75 each. Single orders for a block of 10 tickets come with a reserved table. ALL sales are final for this charity event. In the event of inclement weather, the event will be cancelled. Stay home, be safe and raise your glass to toast Yeardley. E-mail confirmation of your ticket purchase will be sent to the address provided.
Each ticket includes Admission to the event, a Bull & Oyster Roast, Beer and Wine, Setups (soda), photos, and music*.
Online: Tickets can be purchased by credit card using PayPal. Handling fees for online purchase will be added to the price of your ticket.
By Check: Send a check for $75 per person or $750 per reserved table for 10 to: John Laschinger, 14 Selsed Garth, Lutherville, MD 21093. Please include your name, address, and e-mail address with your check. For the purchase of multiple tickets, please include the name of each attendee included in your purchase.
Due to our fundraising match deadline, all sales after 12/1/2010 will be $125 per person and be accepted by check only.
Donations: Additional tax deductable contributions to benefit construction of the Yeardley Reynolds Love Turf Athletic Field at NDP can be made online, by check to the address listed above or at:
Questions: For any questions, please e-mail us at: oneloveforndp@yahoo.com
Discuss, Debate, Decide! 42nd District Election Events
Election ‘10… YOU DECIDE!
Candidates for the Maryland House of Delegates, 42nd District
Candidate Forum:
Susan Aumann, Lori Albin, John Fiastro, Oz Bengur, William Frank, Stephen Lafferty
Wednesday, October 13, 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Recital Hall, Center for the Arts, Towson University
Parking is available in the University Union Garage. Enter the garage from Cross Campus Drive.
Candidates for the Maryland State Senate, 42nd District Debate
James Brochin and Kevin Carney
Wednesday, October 20, 7:00-8:00 p.m.
The Minnegan Room, Unitas Stadium, Towson University
Parking is available in Lot 20 across from Unitas Stadium off of Auburn Drive.
Sponsored by:
Towson University
Student Affairs – Office of Civic Engagement
Department of Political Science
Office of the President
Towson University Student Government Association
Greater Towson Council of Community Associations
Towson Chamber of Commerce
The Towerlight
Towson Times
Rodgers Forge Over-30 Flag Football!
Click here to read more about it on the Forge Flyer
contact Jeff Nelson if interested!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Between 09/23 and 10/02 there have been three reported burglaries in the Rodgers Forge community where the person responsible entered the home through an unlocked rear door. Once inside the suspect removed items from the kitchen area of the home and then fled. There is no suspect description nor direction of travel. Please get the word out to your fellow residents of Rodgers Forge to always properly secure their homes and valuables; all three cases were crimes of opportunity, the suspect saw items of value in plain view and made entry through an unlocked door. Properly securing ones home will eliminate this opportunity thus making the home a safer environment for all.
The residences affected were on Pinehurst, Hopkins and Murdock Rds. Pinehurst was victimized after 8am while Hopkins and Murdock were during the overnight hours of 9pm to 6am.
Have your neighbors report any suspicious persons or activity to us via the 9-1-1 system asap.
Thank you, Sgt Fink, PC06 Community Outreach Team
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Reminder: Hands Free Law to take effect Friday 10/1/2010
Dear Constituents,
A new law takes effect Friday, October 1st, 2010, banning a driver from using a handheld telephone when his or her vehicle is in motion. Similar laws are found in seven other states and the District of Columbia.
A driver can only use his or her hands to start or end a call and to turn the phone off or on. The ban does not apply to emergency situations such as 911 calls or law enforcement and emergency workers during their official duties.
The law is only enforceable as a secondary offense, however, meaning a driver would have to be stopped for another reason besides holding a cell phone, like speeding or negligent driving.
A first offense will carry a maximum $40 fine which can be waived if the person produces evidence of getting a hands-free device. Second and subsequent offenses will carry fines of $100 and a point for the driver's license and, if a violator causes a crash, he or she could get three points.
Very truly yours,
Delegate Susan L.M. Aumann
District 42 - Baltimore County
303 Lowe House Office Building
Annapolis, MD 21401
410-841-3258; FAX 410-841-3163
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
How Are Our Schools Doing? (Survey)
Click here for the survey!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Trust to Improve Public Access to Maryland Historic Property Database
Crownsville (September 22, 2010) - The Maryland Historical Trust (MHT) received a $78,761 grant from the Department of Interior, National Park Service (NPS) through the Preserve America (PA) grant program, for "Improving Public Access to Maryland's Inventory of Historic Properties," an ambitious project to provide on-line public access to the entire Maryland inventory.
The Maryland Inventory of Historic Properties (MIHP) is a broad-based repository of information on districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects of known or potential value to the prehistory, history, archeology, architecture, engineering, or culture of the State of Maryland. The inventory, created shortly after the Trust was founded in 1961, now includes data on more than 12,000 archeological sites and 80,000 historic and architectural resources. Since 1992, MHT has been developing a comprehensive database and geographic information system (GIS) to improve access to this vast store of information.
There is currently limited public access to National Register information through MHT's website but most of the records are only available internally to staff and on-site library users. Due to high expectations and increasing demand for on-line access, the grant project would provide internet access to the entire, updated library of documentation contained in the Maryland Inventory, including National Register forms, determinations of eligibility, and inventory form text, photos, and maps. Making these records available through the internet will serve to directly educate the public about the historic resources in their own communities. It will also create increased opportunity for Preserve America communities, historic preservation commissions, heritage areas, Main Streets, and others to utilize historic property information to support their resource protection and heritage tourism development goals.
The public is invited to contribute to the development of the web-user interface for the Maryland Inventory of Historic Properties by visiting the Trust website at MHT.Maryland.gov. There the Trust will solicit input through an online survey regarding how to provide historic property data in a manner that best suits the public's needs.
Thirty-one Preserve America grants totaling $2.9 million were awarded during the first round of the 2010 grant competition. With these funds, communities and agencies support preservation efforts through heritage tourism, education, and historic preservation planning. Through these grant projects our country gains a greater shared knowledge about the Nation's past, strengthened regional identities and local pride, increased local participation in preserving the country's cultural and natural heritage assets, and support for the economic vitality of our communities.
For more information on this project, please contact Maureen Kavanagh via email at mkavanagh@mdp.state.md.us. For questions regarding the PA grant program, or to comment on this or any other proposed PA project, please contact Hampton Tucker, Chief, Historic Preservation Grants, NPS, at 202-354-2067 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 202-354-2067 end_of_the_skype_highlighting.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Baltimore County Dept. of Public Works: The Re-Source Newsletter
In the September 2010 (PDF) issue:
* Statewide Leadership Award Presented
* County Public Schools Make Recycling Easy
* Sports Teams Catch the Recycling Spirit
* Go On An Outdoor Scavenger Hunt
* And other interesting information!
Click here to check it out!
Monday, September 20, 2010
BCPD - Significant Events Report - Week ending 9/19/2010
Nothing of note this week in the Forge and general vicinity. Please click the link below for the report.
September 17, 2010 Charles Reighart 410-887-3188
Baltimore County residents are reminded that raking or blowing leaves into the gutter or street is unsafe,
potentially damaging to the Chesapeake Bay, and illegal. Leaves in the gutter can lead to fires and endanger
children who might try to play in the leaves. Leaves can also clog drains and, if the leaves do get to the bay,
cause algae blooms. Algae blooms absorb oxygen and light that fish and aquatic plants need to survive.
Instead of raking or blowing the leaves into the gutter, the County suggests that residents compost the leaves.
Composting leaves is an easy way to produce an environmentally friendly soil additive for use in gardens.
Another option for Baltimore County residents is to simply mulch the fallen leaves with a lawn mower and
leave them on the ground, providing a great natural fertilizer for lawns as the leaves decompose. Mulched
leaves can also be collected and used around plants, garden beds, under shrubs and hedges, and under trees.
The mulch will keep the soil moist and protect the roots of the plants.
Baltimore County residents who choose to bag their yard materials should put them out where they normally
place their trash, in accordance with their trash and recycling collection schedule.
For more information on how to handle yard materials at home, residents may visit
www.baltimorecountymd.gov/recycling or call 410-887-2000.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
GBMC President/CEO Speaks On Health Care Reform
BALTIMORE, Md. – September 15, 2010 – John B. Chessare, M.D., MPH, FACHE, president & chief executive officer of GBMC HealthCare, will be the guest speaker at the GBMC Foundation Perspectives In Medicine Dinner & Lecture on November 3, 6 p.m. Dr. Chessare will be speaking on the topic of Health Care Reform: Improving Care For The People In Our Community.
Health care reform is coming, what will be the impact at GBMC? Dr. Chessare uncovers the myths and facts about health care reform and shares GBMC's forward thinking plans to be the health care system of the future - today.
A series of dinners featuring lectures by GBMC physicians, focusing on health-related topics and evolving health care issues of community interest, Perspectives In Medicine is held four times a year, October through May. The dinner and lecture begins at 6:00 p.m. in the hospital’s Civiletti Conference Center. Cost is $20 per person and seating is limited.
Registration is available online at http://foundation.gbmc.org/attend or by calling 443-849-3766.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Delegate Lafferty's letter to RFC, Inc. and GTCCA re TU Fireworks
Dear Janice and Ed,
Last week I received an email from a resident of Rodgers Forge as a result of Towson University’s notification of two events in September where fireworks would be set off. The questions were:
“Are fireworks at a university football game a wise use of taxpayers money? Isn't there a better use for this money? I don't really see how fireworks would be contributing to anyone's education.”
I checked with Towson University and my response was:
I have learned that the Towson University Unitas Stadium was leased for the September 4th, I-95 Football Classic, a High School football event. The cost of the fireworks will be paid by the promoters of that event.
On September 11th, Towson University will host their first home football game and it will also be “Community Night” with fireworks after the game. The fireworks will be paid for by the Towson University Athletics Department which is funded by the University, boosters, concessions and rental income from leases on the Stadium.
Please let me know if you have additional questions on this issue.
Stephen Lafferty
District 42 - Baltimore County
Thursday, September 2, 2010
REMINDER - Annual Community Open Meeting on Wednesday, September 8th.
TU Saturday Morning Science Programs
Kids of all ages -
Towson Univeristy is sponsoring the Saturday Morning Science programs. >They are free, open to the public, and suitable for all ages. The events are held >Saturday mornings from 10am to noon. Located at Smith Hall in the middle of >the TU campus.
For more info, go to
Saturday Morning Science at Towson University
September 11, 2010 (10:00 am and 12:00 noon)
"The Life and Death of Stars: >From the Sun to Supernovae and Blackholes"
Dr. Jason Kalirai
Space Telescope Science Institute
Much like humans, stars exhibit a diverse range of properties and evolve as they age. They are born, age, and finally burn out and die. The most famous star, our Sun, is an average star in terms of its age, mass, and temperature and is near mid-life, with another 4.5 billion years to go! Learn how stars are formed, how and why they age, and how some end their lives as a supernova or black hole.
September 25, 2010 (10:00 am and 12:00 noon)
“Repairing the Hubble Space >Telescope”
Dr. John Grunsfeld
Former NASA Astronaut
Associate Director of the Space Telescope Science Institute
In May 2009 the Space Shuttle made its final visit to the Hubble Space Telescope. Astronaut John Grunsfeld, who visited the Hubble on three different missions, will take us along into space and will discuss his numerous spacewalks and the challenges of working on Hubble.
October 9, 2010 (10:00 am and 12:00 noon)
“Radioactive Scientist: The Life and Discoveries of Madame Marie Curie”
Susan Fowler
Actor and Professional Storyteller
Marie Curie was a physicist and chemist, a pioneer in the field of radioactivity, and the first person honored with two Nobel Prizes. This “living history” presentation will bring her to life once again as she discusses her life and scientific discoveries.
October 23, 2010 (10:00 am and 12:00 noon)
To be announced.
November 6, 2010 (10:00 am and 12:00 noon)
“Wildlife on the Edge”
Valerie Garcia
Naturalist, Wildlife Adventures
What types of challenges do different animals have in their quest for survival? A range of live animals will be brought in to discuss habitats and the impacts humans have on wildlife in Maryland.
November 20, 2010 (10:00 am and 12:00 noon)
“Synaptic Fire ! Activating the Brain and Body”
Karen Campbell Kuebler
Department of Dance
Towson University
Join us as we explore the anatomy of the brain and the heart in this movement oriented scientific exploration. Using simple movements based on a series of exercises known as BrainDance, we will explore how various patterns help wire our central nervous system and look at connections between the heart and brain.
December 4, 2010 (10:00 am and 12:00 noon)
“Commercial Space Travel: Reality or Just Science Fiction?”
Dr. Don Thomas
Former NASA Astronaut
Towson University
Since the beginning of the Space Age over 500 people have traveled into space. When will the average citizen be able to make such voyages? This program will look at several individuals and companies trying to turn this dream into reality and provide commercials trips to space in the near future.
All aboard!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Letter from Delegate Aumann re Dulany Valley Road Project
Today, Tuesday, August 31, the Maryland Department of Transportation’s State Highway Administration will begin a $212,000 project to apply asphalt slurry seal on the pavement along MD 146 (Dulaney Valley Road), from north of Timonium Road to the bridge over the Loch Raven Reservoir.
The slurry sealing protects the pavement from weather-related deterioration and improves pavement safety by increasing surface friction. This work follows SHA’s recent project to mill and patch deteriorated pavement along this segment of MD 146; the repair work was completed earlier this summer.
During road work, temporary lane closures and flagging operations along sections of MD 146 may occur at any time between 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. The slurry seal project is scheduled for completion in mid-October. The State’s contractor for this project is Slurry Pavers, Inc. of Glen Allen, VA.
For more information about highway maintenance activities along MD 146, citizens may contact SHA’s District Four Office – Maintenance Division at 410-229-2360, toll free at 1-866-998-0367 or by email at shadistrict4@sha.state.md.us.
Delegate Susan L.M. Aumann
District 42 - Baltimore County
303 Lowe House Office Building
Annapolis, MD 21401
410-841-3258; FAX 410-841-3163
Monday, August 16, 2010
Fireworks Scheduled at Unitas Stadium - Satuday, September 4, 2010
The event’s organizers have added a fireworks display which is expected to occur between approximately 8:30 p.m. and 9 p.m.
The fireworks will be launched in Lot 19, which is located west of the stadium and just off of Auburn Drive.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Bring the Family to Public Safety Day Hosted by BCPD

Saturday, August 7, 2010
TRC Baseball Pick-Up Games
Summer Kids-only Pickup Games - Every Monday and Thursday from 6-8pm at the baseball fields on Stevenson Lane behind Rodgers Forge Elem school. The kids make the rules and pick the games. It's baseball like we used to play as kids.
Summer Father/Mother and Son/Daughter Pickup Games - This designed for kids of all ages (13 and up). Every Wednesday from 6-8pm at the baseball field on Stevenson Lane behind Rodgers Forge Elem school.
Go to http://www.trcbaseball.org/ for more information.
From Towson Rec Council Baseball
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Back-to-School Safety Tips from BCPD
Click here for more information.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
RFCOP - Neighborhood Alert
From: Rodgers Forge Citizen On Patrol (C.O.P.)
Date: 8/4/2010
Re: Door-to-door Solicitors
There have been several reports recently about some individuals going door-to-door selling alarm systems. We have not been able to establish if this is legitimate. Assume this is a scam and do not open your door or offer any details about you, your home, your activities or neighbors.
Please call 911 if you see these individuals.
Here are the details that have been reported:
· Young male, dressed in khaki pants and red polo shirt, GE on the shirt
· Early to mid 20’s, trim and clean cut, about 5’8”
· Reported times of visits were 5:45 PM and 7:45 PM
· He was selling a GE digital security system
· He showed a list of “neighbors” that the resident did not recognize, he tried to appear like he recently spoke with their neighbors, possibly to gain trust.
· He said it was free, but after speaking with another resident, he told them there was a fee
· Not able to verify anything online about company or product
· The solicitor asked the resident if they had a dog and what kind of car they had
Please visit us on Facebook: facebook.com/RodgersForge.CitizensonPatrol
Other useful links:
Towson Area C.O.P.: http://towsonareacop.wordpress.com/
Baltimore County Police Department: http://www.baltimorecountymd.gov/Agencies/police/
Removal of Toys from the Tot Lot
The Tot Lot is Baltimore County property and the County is 100% responsible for the development and maintenance of the Tot Lot.
The Rodgers Forge board did not advocate for the removal of all the toys from the Tot Lot.
Over the years, the Rodgers Forge board has fielded residents' comments about many issues related to the Tot Lot: trash, dated or broken equipment, unleashed pets, pet excrement in the field, potential site enhancement, the addition of new equipment, etc.).
The Rodgers Forge board has always offered its support to improve the Tot Lot, but it is the County that has the final word in all matters relating to the Tot Lot.
If you are concerned about the situation with the Tot Lot, we encourage you to reach out to Baltimore County's Department of Parks and Recreation.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Reminder - Towson Area COP National Night Out Motorcade is coming through RF tonight!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Towson Times Article on County Public Nuisance Bill
Baltimore County Council bill: Landlords need to control unruly tenants
Towson University's Tigerfest sparked proposal from Gardina
By Bryan P. Searsbsears@patuxent.com
Posted 7/21/10
Incidents of disorderly conduct around Towson has prompted one County Council member to propose tougher laws relating to "public nuisance."
Some community leaders say measures proposed by 5th District County Council member Vince Gardina are a good start in addressing conduct issues, but don't go far enough because they would only impact properties listed under the county's rental registration law -- and wouldn't include apartment complexes.
Gardina said he decided to propose tougher public nuisance laws after hearing about drunken students wandering through neighborhoods near Towson University during its annual Tigerfest celebration on April 24.
"Landlords aren't watching their tenants like they're supposed to," he said.
Officials at Towson University did not return a call from a reporter this week seeking comment.
Current county nuisance laws are limited, mostly to issues such as domestic noise. Gardina's bill focuses specifically on problems arising from complaints about the occupants of rental housing.
Under a bill being proposed at the County Council, complaints of disorderly conduct or disturbing the peace -- as well as violations of animal control laws and drug or alcohol violations -- would all qualify as public nuisances.
The owner of a rental property would receive a written warning from the county after two such complaints regarding tenants in their properties.
If a third complaint occurs within six months of the warning, the county could seek to have the rental registration suspended or revoked, or reject an application for renewal of the license.
Gardina said he plans to also submit an amendment that would allow the county to suspend rental licenses for up to one year.
The bill is scheduled for a July 27 hearing, and tentatively receive a vote on Aug. 2.
Under the proposal, property owners would be able to protect their licenses if they show they took steps to correct nuisance issues, were not the owner of the property when it occurred, or didn't know the violations had occurred but took steps to fix the problem once they were notified by the county.
Trish Mayhugh, president of the Riderwood Hills Community Association, applauded the proposal as a starting point -- but said the bill could result in unruly students being funneled into area apartment complexes.
Riderwood Hills is home to several apartment complexes, including two housing a fair number of students who attend Towson University and other area colleges -- the Colony and the Kenilworth at Charles complexes.
The Kenilworth at Charles abuts a neighborhood of single family homes. Area neighbors have complained in the past of unruly students living in overcrowded apartments.
"When you live near an apartment complex, there's always someone holding a heavy metal vomit party in your backyard," Mayhugh said, adding that fireworks, intoxicated students and food thrown into yards have not been uncommon occurrences in her neighborhood.
Mayhugh said the owner of the complex has worked hard to keep up the property and work with the community when there have been problems with tenants.
Still, she said, she would like to see Gardina's bill amended to apply to apartment complexes -- and add limits to the number of people who can live in an apartment.
But Kathy Howard, an attorney for the Maryland Multi-housing Association, said an amendment specifically for apartments isn't needed because the county has mechanisms in place that oversee apartment operations.
She said, "enforcement mechanisms applicable to multifamily developments regarding myriad issues already exist and work well -- which is why the council did not include multifamily developments in the licensing law to begin with."
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Baltimore County Police Officer to be Honored on Friday, July 23 in Towson
Flipper, a police officer's officer. The Towson Chamber of Commerce and all of us are honoring him Friday night, July 23, at Feet On The Street, Allegheny Ave. in Towson.
Read Loni's attached article, which was published in the Towson Times this week. The photograph was taken when Flipper was honored by Towson Area Citizens on Patrol last month as one of Towson's finest police officers.
Flipper is great and we will greatly miss him.
# # #
Below is the Towson Times article (click on the pages for an enlarged view):






Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Towson Farmers Market - Saturday, July 17
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Support the Rodgers Forge COP during the National Night Out - Aug. 3!
The Towson Area Citizens on Patrol (TACOP) is hosting their annual 2010 "National Night Out" on August 3, 2010. Anyone is welcome to participate.
The motorcade will meet in the Babies R Us parking lot at Towson Marketplace at 6:30 PM. Our vehicles will be led by a Baltimore County Fire Department Engine.
Look for your Rodger Forge C.O.P. vehicles on Dumbarton soon after 6:30 PM.
Thanks for supporting your Rodgers Forge Citizen on Patrol.
# # #
Here's the flyer for the event. Please click on the flyer for an enlarged view.

Friday, July 9, 2010
A Section of Washington Ave. in Towson will be Closed
For Immediate Release Contact: David Fidler
410 887-2171
Washington Avenue to Close July 19
(Towson, July 8, 2010) Baltimore County will close a section of Washington Avenue fronting Towson's Old Court House (between Chesapeake and Pennsylvania Avenues) on Monday, July 19 for streetscape construction.
During the work, crews will alternately close and open the north and south halves of the 400 block of Washington Avenue in order to keep Bankers Way accessible to businesses and customers. Traffic will be detoured to York Road, on the east, and Bosley Avenue to the west.
When completed in the early autumn, the Washington Avenue Streetscape Project will run from Allegheny Avenue to Towsontown Boulevard, and will include trees, planters and decorative brickwork
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
A Bill Regarding Rental Housing & Public Nuisances
Dear Community Leaders,
In past years, I worked very hard to get the Rental Housing Registration Legislation enacted in Baltimore County. I believe that it has brought forth some positive changes, but many of you realize first hand that more needs to be done. Councilman Kevin Kamenetz and I have listened to the concerns and frustration you experienced when dealing with rental properties in your communities. After events like Towson University's Tigerfest, we were as frustrated as you that more could not be done to make these Landlords accountable for the sometimes egregious behavior of their tenants. I hope that you will be pleased to learn that Councilman Kamenetz and I have sponsored the attached legislation that would, indeed, make those landlords accountable for the behavior of their tenants. This legislation will allow for the rental license to be revoked if there are more then two animal control law violations, disorderly conduct violations, disturbance of the peace violations, disorderly house violations, dangerous substance abuse violations, health violations, alcohol violations, or public nuisance violations in a six month period (after notice has been made to the landlord of the initial two violations).
This Bill was introduced at last night's Legislative Session. It will be discussed at the July 27, 2010 Work Session at 2 p.m. Final Reading and Vote will occur at the Legislative Session on August 2, 2010 at 6 p.m. in the Council Chambers.
We ask for your support of this legislation. If any of you are able to testify in support of this bill at the July 27th Work Session, that would be ideal. The Work Session takes place in the Plum Room, adjacent to the County Council offices, on the 2nd floor of the Old Courthouse in Towson. Please feel free to contact my office at 410-887-3384 with any questions.
Vince Gardina



