Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Questions & Concerns?

This is a weekly post that allows you to comment with any questions or concerns.

The idea is to allow residents another avenue to communicate with the board and ask questions.

Comment away!


  1. A heated discussion is going on on the Forge Flyer regarding speed humps. Can you offer some clarity ? Many people appear misinformed.

  2. Can you provide some clarity regarding the speed hump issue? Many people appear to be misinformed.

  3. Every house on Dumbarton and Heathfield was approached regarding the speed humps. In the end, over 75% of the homeowners on both roads supported the installation of speed humps.

    Undoubtedly, there will always be people who oppose a project like this and will share stories about how bad speed humps are.

    Certainly, some concerns are real, but it's clear that over 75% of the homeowners reviewed the details of this project and see value in having speed humps installed to slow traffic on Dumbarton and Heathfield.

  4. There will be two humps on Heathfield and six on Dumbarton at last report. Supposed to be completed by the end of the year but you know...

  5. Looks like we're on track for speed humps to go in this year. Please see the related post on 12/11/2009.


All comments are welcome! Please keep it clean and on topic. Posts with offensive language and personal attacks will be removed.