Friday, August 7, 2009

Fellow Board Members...

Please take a few minutes to look around the blog.

Several things have been added to the basic template (an updatable calendar where we can add all sorts of events, an email subscription service, etc.).

I encourage you to please play around a little bit: add some comments to different articles, click on an event on the calendar, and be sure to add your email address on the right-hand side--you'll get a once-daily update email if a new post is added. (It's actuallly a very nice feature.)

This well help me tweak the presentation and get used to how this works.

This can turn out to be a great resource for the community in addition to the newsletter and the website.



  1. Thanks! This is great!

  2. It's a good start. The trick will be to keep the content coming so people will visit the site fairly often.

    Looks great so far, though!

    Dave L.


All comments are welcome! Please keep it clean and on topic. Posts with offensive language and personal attacks will be removed.