Thursday, August 9, 2012

RFCOP Crime Update Week of July 30th - August 5th

Baltimore County Police Offer School Safety Tips

·       School Bus Safety
Drivers should be aware of the consequences if they fail to stop for a school bus.
·       Load Up The Kids - And Lock Up The House
Remember to lock the doors and windows before taking the kids to school or the bus stop.
·       Educate Your Children
Share these safety tips with your children as they return to school.

Wait For School Buses

The Baltimore County Police Department is reminding all drivers to stop when the lights on school buses are flashing.
Maryland law states that vehicles must come to a complete stop on both sides of the street if there is no physical divider or barrier. Drivers who pass the bus before all lights have ceased flashing may face the following consequences:
·       Drivers who pass school buses while the lights are flashing will receive a citation that carries a maximum payable fine of $570 and a 3-point penalty.
·       Drivers who stop but then proceed while the lights are flashing will receive a citation that carries a maximum payable fine of $570 and a 2-point penalty.
Children are not always aware of their surroundings and assume that drivers will stop for them. Youngsters also dart into the road without looking first for traffic. Allow room for the frequent stops that happen during the morning pick up and the afternoon drop off.
Maryland's future is in its children so let's protect them.

Load Up The Kids - And Lock Up The House

Here's an important reminder: before you walk or load the kids up for the drive to the bus stop or school, lock your doors. Those few minutes that you are away from home can be the perfect morning stop for a burglar. It may seem overly cautious to lock windows and doors when leaving for such a short time period, but the time spent doing this can deter a burglar and prevent some major problems later.
The Baltimore County Police Department suggests that everyone establish the habit of basic security when leaving the house in the morning. Parents or daycare providers could make the procedure a learning experience for the children. Many people have a morning checklist to make things simpler during that early morning rush hour. Why not add a security checklist to your morning routine? Depending on the age or ages of the children, let them help you get out of the house by giving them a task that relates to their security.
Older children should check and lock the windows, while the younger ones can see if the doors are locked behind you when you leave.
When you are on the way to and from school, keep watch on what is going on in your neighborhood. Look for strangers who seem to be lurking on the sidewalk, with no real purpose. Watch for cars driving slowly through the neighborhood. They might be sizing up potential targets. If you are concerned, dial 911 as soon as you return home, or on your cell phone if you have one. Try to provide a basic description of the individual or car that worries you. It will help police if they have this information.
Do not think that burglars work only at night, in the dark. They are opportunists, and will look for likely targets at any time of the day. In fact, many burglars strike during daylight hours when they believe all the occupants of a house may be at school or work. Make their life harder by taking these basic crime prevention measures.

Educate Your Children About School Safety

Baltimore County Police are reminding parents/guardians and children about school safety. Officers are routinely trained in child safety and missing children investigations. That information is then shared with parents.
Although the Police Department educates children in school on stranger danger, parents can also provide other child safety topics. The following tips are just a few suggestions:
·       Be aware of putting your child's name on anything that is readily visible. This might allow an abductor to get on a "first name" basis with your child and develop a sense of trust.
·       Walk the route to and from school with your children, pointing out safe places to go if they are being followed or need help.
·       Talk to your children about strangers approaching them and some of the ploys they might use.  Stress to them that adults shouldn't need a child's help to find a puppy or get directions; they should ask another adult for that information.
·       Teach your children that it is okay to say NO - tell them to trust their instincts.
·       Remind your children to never give the impression they are home alone if strangers telephone or come to the door.  Never open the door for a stranger, and teach them about dialing 911.
Revised August 8, 2012

B.C.P.D. Precinct # 6 - Crime Blotter
This is a summary of recent significant police news in your community. For police news from across the entire county, visit our news archive.

August 5: Attempted Second Degree Burglary, 1700 block of Wentworth Avenue, 21234

At 2:36 a.m., a man woke up as four suspects were attempting to enter his shed. The suspects fled on foot when he went outside. All four suspects are described as black males.

August 3: First Degree Burglary, 1700 block of Aberdeen Road, 21234

Between 7:30 a.m. and 3:10 p.m., an unknown suspect pried open the front door and removed tools and electronics.

August 3: Commercial Burglary, 6300 block of York Road, 21212

At 5:50 a.m., an unknown suspect broke the front door glass of the Radio Shack and attempted to take cell phones.

August 3: Commercial Burglary, 1700 block of East Joppa Road, 21234

At 2:30 a.m., a man broke out the front door glass of Conrad’s Crabs and removed money.

August 2: Robbery, 8600 block of Pleasant Plains Road, 21234

At 4:24 a.m., two suspects entered the 7-11 and took money and cigarettes after threatening the clerk. The first suspect is a white male, 40 to 49 years old, 5’9” tall. The second suspect is a white male, 40 to 49 years old.

August 1: Robbery, 1000 block of Taylor Avenue, 21234

At 10:14 p.m., three suspects pushed the victim to the ground and assaulted him. They fled on foot with the victim’s phone. The first suspect is a black male, 16 to 17 years old, 5’4”, with a small build and dark complexion. The second suspect is a black male, 16 to 17 years old. The third suspect is a black male, 16 to 17 years old.

August 1: Armed Robbery – Gun, 6900 block of Donachie Road, 21234

At 1:16 a.m., two suspects armed with a handgun approached two victims and took phones and a debit card from the victims. The suspects fled on foot. The first suspect is a black male, 18 to 25 years old, 6’1”, 150 pounds, with a thin build and medium complexion. The second suspect is a black male, 18 to 25 years old, 5’8”, with a medium build.

July 31: Robbery, 800 block of Dulaney Valley Road, 21204

At 4:50 p.m., two victims reported that they were at the mall entrance between the Cheesecake Factory and Stoney River when they were approached by four suspects. One of the suspects grabbed the victim’s cell phone and a second suspect began struggling of a purse with the second victim. The suspects fled southbound on Dulaney Valley Road. The suspects are described as four black males, 18 to 19 years old.

July 31: Robbery, 800 block of York Road, 21204

At 4:25 p.m., a woman was waiting in line at the Exxon when a man grabbed her phone from her hand and fled southbound on York Road on foot. The first suspect is a black male, 18 to 23 years old, 5’7”, with a thin build. The second suspect is a black male, 18 to 23 years old, 5’8”, with a thin build.

July 30: First Degree Burglary, 600 block of Walker Avenue, 21212

At 11:10 p.m., two men cut a screen to enter an apartment and remove a purse. A 14 year old juvenile was charged. The second suspect has not been identified.

July 30 to July 31: Commercial Burglary, 8100 block of La Salle Road, 21286

Between 5 p.m. on July 30 and 5:45 a.m. on July 31, an unknown suspect broke a plywood door to enter a construction area at Calvert Hall and removed copper wiring and fittings.
Email Alerts  - Spot
2.00 Miles around 222 Dumbarton Road –
Week of Jul 30 – Aug 5, 2012
Case #                Crime                                          Date     Time                Address
122150904      Theft, Other                              8/2       12:49 pm         3xx Dumbarton Road
122141214      Theft from Motor Vehicle     8/1       4:49 pm           1xx Overbrook Road
122150733      Destruction of Property         8/2       11:07 am         72xx York Road
122160312      2nd degree Burglary                 8/3       5:49 am            63xx York Road

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