Friday, March 19, 2010

Burglaries in RF - Important Information

Below is a message from Sgt. Fink with the Baltimore County Police Department:

Good Morning, got a bit of bad news for the Forge but just as in the past I know if we work together we can put a stop to it again.

As Police we are seeing the beginnings of a Burglary trend once again in Rodgers Forge. As the weather broke for the better last week (3/11,12/2010) unknown person(s) decided to take advantage of several residences.

Thus far we have three reports but no suspect information. Two of the incidents we have confirmed as "cat-burglaries"--defined as the residents were home at the time of the burglary, either asleep in their beds or in another part of the house, and the suspect(s) able to access a first floor (ground floor) room of the house through an open/unsecured window or door and grabbing whatever of value may be immediately accessible. Usually these type of burglaries target the kitchen area where the resident has opened a window or door and has left an item of value (i.e.,pocketbook, wallet, cellphone) on the kitchen table within easy access of that door or window and all the suspect(s) need to defeat is a screen window or storm door thus they're in and out very quickly. These are still reported as First Degree Burglaries and when we apprehend the person(s) responsible that's how they're charged, "cat-burglary" is reference to the m.o.

What we need from you is to get the word out to the community to properly secure their homes when they're away or asleep; secure their valuables whether home or away, don't leave things out in plain view that could be easily removed, take away the temptation.

As always we'd like to be informed anytime anyone sees a suspicious/unknown person or vehicle in the area so we can check things out and thus keep the community as safe as possible. [Emphasis added]

Talking with Detective Parker, from our Burglary Team, and Detective Bankert, PC06 IST, right now we have no suspect information reference to these three cases.

Thank you for your assistance,

Sgt Fink

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