The purpose of these changes are:
(1) Having a cut-off date for nominations instead of allowing nominations from the floor is important because the nominating committees in any given year need to review the person’s qualifications; and,
(2) submit the person’s information for the RFC Newsletter. Without having both items completed by a “cut-off” date will be unfair to both early & late candidates.
Page 4 of 16 on internet By-Laws, Page 111 & 113 in RFC, Inc. directory.
{{{indicates deletions}}}indicate insertions# # #D. Board Election Procedure
1. No later than the July Board meeting the President, with Board
approval, shall appoint a Nominations Committee of no fewer than
three persons to solicit applications for Board Members, both At-
large and District members.
2. Duties include but are not limited to the following:
a. Publicize the need for Board members.
b. Inquire as to whether existing Board Members wish to remain on
the Board.
c. Prepare a list of qualified candidates. In the event that the
number of qualified candidates exceeds the number of positions
available, the committee may, but is not required to, submit a
suggested slate of candidates.
d. The committee shall report back to the full Board at the August
meeting. (In the event no August meeting is planned, the
appointment of the committee shall take place no later than the June
meeting and the committee report shall be presented at the July
All applications to be considered for the year must be
submitted to the Chairman no later than July 14th in order to
meet the deadline of the publication of the Newsletter. The
committee shall ensure that all qualified candidates are provided
with the opportunity to publish a brief statement on their beliefs and
qualifications in the Newsletter and/or on the website.
{{{ The
committee is not obligated to make this publication in the event it is
not made aware of a candidate’s candidacy in a timely manner.}}} The committee is not obligated to make this publication in the
event the committee is not provided with the candidate’s
statements for publication prior to the deadline for the
publication of the Newsletter.
f. The committee shall ensure that ballots are prepared for both At-large
Members, and District members, with suitable space for write-
in candidates.
3. Voting Procedure at the Annual Meeting
a. The Election for the District Members shall take place first
(1) The president shall read the names of all
{{{known}}qualified candidates.
{{{ and seek nominations from the floor}}}. No Nominations will
be accepted from the floor at the annual meeting.
(2) After nominations are closed, each candidate shall have the
opportunity to briefly address the General Membership present. If
the candidate is unable to attend he or she may send a representative.
(3) In the event there is a contested election in a District, paper
ballots shall be distributed, all General Members present shall have
one vote.
(4) In the event there are no contested District elections, the
President may request that the election be by acclamation.
(5) A candidate defeated in a bid for a District seat on the Board,
may run for an At-large position.
b. When the District elections are concluded, the election for At-
large members shall be held.
(1) The president shall read the names of all
{{{known}}} qualified candidates.
{{{and seek nominations from the floor.}}} No
nominations will be accepted from the floor at the annual
meeting. (2) After nominations are closed, each candidate shall have the
opportunity to briefly address the General Membership present. If
the candidate is unable to attend he or she may send a representative.
# # #